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MANUFACTURERS: Winbond Electronics
Winbond Electronics

Winbond Electronics logo

2727 N.First Street,
San Jose,
CA 95134, US
tel: 1-408-943-6666
fax: 1-408-544-1798

    Winbond Electronics was established in 1987 in the Hsinchu Science-based Industrial Park, Taiwan. Being the largest brand IC provider in Taiwan (the company currently has a total of about 4,600 employees), Winbond's main product lines include Consumer & Speech ICs, Data Communication ICs, Foundry Services Memory ICs, Microcontroller ICs, Multimedia ICs, Peripheral Device ICs, Personal Computer ICs, Telephony ICs and Visual Communication ICs.

    Winbond also strives to upgrade its product design, application capability and expand sales network by acquisition, for example, Information Storage Devices, Inc. (ISD) and division of TFT-LCD Driver IC of Cirrus Logic.

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