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OVER 1.000.000 DATASHEETS (Technical documentation on electronical components)
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MANUFACTURERS: AKM Semiconductor, Inc.
AKM Semiconductor, Inc.

AKM Semiconductor, Inc. logo

2001 Gateway Place,
Suite 650 West San Jose,
CA 95110, US
tel: 1-408-436-8580
fax: 1-408-436-7591

    AKM (Asahi Kasei Microsystems) corporation focused on the emerging information communications society.

    Since its establishment in 1983, Asahi Kasei Microsystems has based its corporate operation and development in two fast-growing areas vital to the growth of information and communication systems custom and application-specific LSIs. This has led to world leading design and process technologies for high quality, low power consumption products for communications and multimedia applications, in a range that now includes analog-digital mixed circuit ICs for mobile communications equipment, A/D and D/A converters based on Delta-Sigma self-calibration technology, and data storage ICs incorporating lossless data compression and error correction technology.

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